THE ART OF FILMMAKING EP 2: Devdas the ever melancholic lover boy

 Background Information

The Sanjay Leela Bhansali's movie 'Devdas' released in 2002 starring Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai and Madhuri Dixit. Devdas being the most expensive film made at the time of it's release was not news to the viewer when seeing all the opulent and grandiose sets and costumes. The film was also entered into the most prestigious Academy awards, however unfortunately it did not make it into the shortlist. Devdas was also previously made into a movie directed by Bimal Roy, infact it was based on a novel written by novelistSarat Chandra Chattopadhyay. The 1955 version starred Dilip Kumar, Suchitra Sen and Vyjayanthimala.

Important Elements

SLB movies are always promising in someway and this one was no different. Now, Bhansali the immaculate director he is, loves to create metaphors in his films, and one such metaphor is the diya (lamp) Paro has throughout the film. It represents the undying love shared between Paro and Devdas. Midway through the film when Paro is being carried away in her palanquin she holds out her diya for Devdas to see that that she'll continue loving him despite her marriage.

By the end of the film one can see that Devdas eventually passes away and simultaneously Paro also passes away, 

hence the flame introduced in the beginning also burns out, representing the end of Devdas and Paro and the love 

they once shared.

One vital element seen in the movie is in the song 'Bairi Piya', where Devdas and Paro predict one another's futures. 

In the scene Devdas pretends reading Paro's palm and actions to her on how she will marry a wealthy aged man. 

Paro also pretends to read Devdas' palm and actions to him how he is not fated for marriage. Unfortunately destiny 

had written the same plans for both lovers. 


Set in the early 1900's the story is about Devdas a young man who returns to his homeland in West Bengal, India from London after years of study.

Back home, Paro (Parvati) his childhood sweetheart awaits his return. Paro belonging to a middle class Bengali family and Devdas to a very affluent Bengali family of a high caste couldn't marry each other due to familial obligation.

Paro is later married off to a Zamindar (land owner) and Devdas became a severe alcoholic over spite of not being able to be with Paro. He then ends up in a brothel where he encounters the enchanting courtesan Chandramukhi, who later falls in love with Devdas. Despite Chandramukhi being in love with Devdas, he did not reciprocate her feelings, and lived till his last breath sulking over his beloved loverParo whom destiny cruelly separated from him. 


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